Monday, March 10, 2008

It's A Sunshine Daaayyy! (sung from the Brady Bunch)

It is a sunshiney day today :) My desk faces Far West Bank and I get to see the beautiful weather all day long...Including the Time, Date and Temperature :) So far it has reached 64 degrees today! I don't know what it is, but I just feel very happy today. Maybe it's that I got my tax return direct deposited in my accout? I LOVE this time of year for that reason :) I'm not a money freak, but that extra sense of security is nice to know that that extra lump some is there for extra cusion.
Maybe I'm happy because my mom was, well my mom and bought me some new spring pants and shirt on Saturday. Have I mentioned I have the greatest mom? She is the best friend and the best mom out there, no offense to everyone else ;) But she's pretty awesome and has been there for me through everything and would do anything for anyone!
Maybe I'm happy because I finally got rid of my piece of crap phone Razr? Yeah, that could be it ;) After two years of suffering with a Razr, my contract was finally up March 5 to get a new phone! So, not only did I get one but I was able to talk my mom into getting one too...a red one! Ooohh Sexy Mama!
I love Daylight Savings.. I heard on the radio this morning some disgruntled guy arguing about it being in March this year. Personally, I absolutely love it not getting dark until 8:30 or 9:00 at night! Getting out of work and having a few more hours of daylight left! It's a sign of Spring :)
I look back on my blog and I read "Maybe I'm happy because.." Well, I am a happy person, and I always try to be. But today feels different. You know how some days are better than others. I guess for a Monday I feel great:)

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